

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ice Breaking Session - 16th March 2011

Hello! First post for a start in JOURNEY_SPLINTERZQIEN

Salam, too all muslims friend, and Hello! peeps, i've decided to have my own blog today. WHY I START BLOGING?

This is fun, exciting and interesting, i want too start a new phase of life, by forgetting all the madness in life. Perhaps, blogging can be my best friend off all, whenever im alone. Here is where im gonna share my thoughts my dream and stories in life. i ain't a perfect person, but after all i got dreams, vision and mission in my life. Well, well, well, let me see, what's up for a start?. 

Knowing Nurul Asyikin Bte Ishak *&;^#@#!)!@!)

Hahahaha, for a start or shall i said, as an ice breaking session for my first post, i wanna talk and share some stories about me!. Yups, that's my real name, daughter too Ishak and nadzirah. I was born in the small city called klang, situated in Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. I'm proud too be Malaysian, a peaceful country with multiracial citizen and variety of food. U name it!! roti canai, nasi lemak, yong tau fu, everything is here. Malay, Chinese and India three difference races work together too be one of the best asia country in the world.  Enuff, wat am i talking about now? oh my oh my it supposed too be about me, i'll touch and share more about my country but not now, later in the future post. Now let's read about a girl name Syikin.. :)
Newborn baby name Syikin was born in 16th february 1985
Once upon the time, there's a baby girl name Syikin was born in Clinic Salina and its officially dated as 16th February 1985. Her parents was really happy and excited for their first newborn daughter. They name her, Nurul Asyikin Bte Ishak, they name her nurul or nur, based in Al-Quran which means "Nur Cahaya". I did grew up with a cahaya in my life but not every time, hehe cause its in the hand of Allah swt will. As she grew bigger, taller and stronger, her parents are ready too had a baby boy. After 5 years having Syikin as the only child, they got Azam as her lil bro!. 

Syikin first steps too kindergarden was awesome!. Then primary school, Methodist Girl School (MGS), where her first steps too a REAL school with an ambition in life. 1 Cempaka is her class, her ibu and ayah wait for her in her first day of school!.At the age of 7 she likes drawing,  everyday she would draw difference kinds of human picture or flowers. She loves coloring too! to the extend, every month her luna color pencil needs to be changed. How time flies, she continued her secondary, in MGS still. After PMR, she moved too Teknik Shah Alam, taking Mechanical engineering course, which she dont want and like! but have been forced by her dad. But then she managed to pursued her studies in Masscommunication after SPM. Alhamdulillah, she got her Diploma and Degree in major in Public relation, by the age of 24. 

2011 she is 26 years old, no longer a small girl or teenager but a lady. With hope of being a better person in life, career and akhirat.... She believes that everything happens for a reason, nobody can stop you from being good or bad, you draw and paint your life on your own. As long as you use Islam as your guide in life insyallah, how bad u are, Allah swt always help and open your heart to the right way.

A lady with dreams and hope.

to be continue..

This is a shorten life of me, today is the most sadness day of mylife. People who i care and love, said something that is quite harsh too me. Its okie im gonna be just fine, because i believed that Allah swt knows better, and not you them too judge me. I don't mind, if they would have come and talk too me straight too the face, rather than talking behind me and insult me through social network. I knew , that i'm not perfect and i did so many sinful things, but then again if you care and love a person, always come to them and told them straight away in the face. Dont ever talk behind and assume something that is not true. 

"Hanya Allah swt, yang maha mengetahui akan isi hatiku ini, apa maksudku untuk berbuat demikian, sesungguhnya bukanlah kerana riak ataupun takabur, ianya adalah sebagai peringatan pada diriku yang hina lagi berdosa ini, agar berubah segera, dan tujuan ku meletakkan di social network adalah untuk berkongsi maklumat dengan sahabat-sahabatku, bukanlah atas niat menunjuk-nunjuk. Sesungguhnya, aku hanyalah insan biasa yang banyak melakukan dosa dan kesilapan, tetapi aku masih ingat bahawasanya dari Allah aku datang, kembalilah aku kepadanya. Aku mendoakan kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan umat Islam. Aku hanya akan mengundur diri, untuk mencari arah yang benar, dan semoga aku diberi petunjuk dari Allah swt.  Amin."


  1. u skolah kat MGS klang ke?? dulu my mom pun skolah sana hehehehe... :)

  2. hehe, yaa i was there from primary until secondary form 3!! sapa duduk klang mesti sekolah MGS or convent :) my ibu pun situ jugaa :D hehehehe
