

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mepscash my workplace ! I LOVE MY JOB

Happy Jumaah Mubarak everyone! Its Friday...

Oh my , oh my, the weekend is back, i feels like i just started working for this week yesterday 0_0. Hermm, how time flies, and i'm back to work today, after a massive headache past few days. Ahaaaaa, where do i work? let me share some information about it. Alhamdulillah, after a few challenges, coping with my career life, i've been offered a better job! here in International payment system berhad or the shorten of it IPS Sdn Bhd as Business Development Executive. This is what i want, i love traveling, talking and expose myself in the public, and i'm very sure it is something that's good for me to wider my networking. I look in a way, that we need to make more contact and wider our networking in life, why did i said this? for me, you can't work on your own, you need other people's knowledge, opinion, skills, and support for you to achieve something in urlife. That's why, i love working in PR lines, surrounded with people in different age and group.

MEPSCASH is the main product of IPS sdn bhd.......


Its actually an application in a chip.. Its like a e-purse scheme, as for now we are trying to open our Malaysian eyes, on cashless payment system. Less crime, cause people dont bring their cash to shop! dont you think its safer?, if it happens somebody stole the card, it can always been block. All other country, i mean developing country have already start using this cashless payment system, yes we do have but the awareness of it is very lttle. If you realize, there's a mepscash logo behind your ATM and ID card. So basicly the functionality of this application is already with you, but most of the Malaysian, dont know what is the use of it. You can use your atm or ID card, a debit or top up card, but even better!, why did i said this, because you can do your transaction at home. How to use it at home? u need to have internet line, laptop or PC and a smartcard reader. Please refer to the website address below for more information on how to use, where to top up, and many more.

At the moment, we have a few big projects, and im pretty sure this time its really work and gonna help to improvise people life in payment system. But dont get confused, MEPS and MEPSCASH, we are not the same. MEPSCASH use to be under MEPS but, IPS bought it from MEPS, since they dont really put an effort in order to make it a succesful product which could actually benefits everybody. This Mepscash is an idea from Tun Dr. Mahathir our former prime minister that i really look up and adore. Feel free to know more about mepscash through this websites https://www.mymepscash.com/

That's it, there goes a lecture from me about my workplace hahhaha kinda bored for certain people but i guess i just love my job!... Always remember, in order to perform well in your work, you should always love and be happy to do it, but if you dont like your job, its gonna be a tough thing for you to perform the best and excellent job!.

In order to be really good and successful at something, we have to enjoy doing it. If you don't, oftentimes you'll find yourself not being very successful at it. Work gives people a sense of purpose. It's not uncommon for work to be a large part of a person's life. People need to feel accomplished, successful and work allows us to strive for our best and to enjoy the fruits of our labor.
Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.

-- Thomas Alva Edison

Another half an Hour !!!!!

Feels better and relief
Tadaaaaa, im on mc today with no good reason, only for the sake of mental illness. But! after the whole day, i've been thinking about it, end up it leads me too one conclusion. Maybe, they are right in certain things, which i agreed that its fair enuff too said dat i should change my lifestyles. Only one, there's always the right way, appreciate me how i appreciate them as a friends and also like a sister too me. Too bad maybe i'm not one of them, i'm not good enuff, i'm unmatured, or like blind hearted. It's okie, in life we make mistakes, people hates us, people look bad on us, but nothing we can do, just try not to get urself too offense by it.


I'm back, happy and cheerful, plus i've been thinking about not too think about it anymore. Why must i? i dont need it, its a past and i accept, digest and keep it as one of my lesson in life. As i grew older, so many things happen in my life, my personal life, family, friends, relationship and career. Each one of it, teach me a lesson, no matter small or big the problem is, you have too face it on your own. Nobody can help you, with the help of Allah swt insyallah our life gonna be better. What happen too Japan, is a sign for us, the world is getting older as well, plus has been stated in Quran everything, the sign of small qiamat and big qiamat. I believes the big sign of qiamat is near to us after the Tsunami. Japan maps in the earth is changing, its moving too the west, when the times come, Sun will rise in west, by then has been stated in Quran, its the sign of big qiamat.

I'm scared! and i know all of you scared, what should we do? Open our eyes, heart and soul. Listen too the voice of your heart, think deeply, whether we had enuff time for it. We always tend to forget it easily, sometimes we remember, but then later we forgot and we did the same thing again and again. Lets pray for Japan, and other country in the world who are having a war. MashAllah, everyday each time i read the newspaper, there's gonna be a criminal cases, day by day i feel like i'm not gonna be safe anymore. Robbing, Killing, Raping is like a normal thing, people dont care anymore. So come, let's together we sit and think back, whether we want to stay and lives as a Jahilliyah, or we died as an Islam.

Think, we might die later, tonite, tomorrow, or....... by anytime soon. If we know we are not perfect, we change and stop talking about other people. Let people talk about us, let them insult you, just take and swallowed it. We live in the world with one purpose to serve Allah swt, after he granted us with all the precious thing in this world.

..............................nobody's perfect.................. :) I'm off for work :D

Sepuluh tanda-tanda qiamat yang disebutkan Rasulullah saw. dalam hadis ini adalah tanda-tanda qiamat yang besar-besar, akan terjadi di saat hampir tibanya hari qiamat. Sepuluh tanda itu ialah:
  1. Dukhan (asap) yang akan keluar dan mengakibatkan penyakit yang seperti selsema di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman dan akan mematikan semua orang kafir.
  2. Dajjal yang akan membawa fitnah besar yang akan meragut keimanan, hinggakan ramai orang yang akan terpedaya dengan seruannya.
  3. Dabbah-Binatang besar yang keluar berhampiran Bukit Shafa di Mekah yang akan bercakap bahawa manusia tidak beriman lagi kepada Allah swt.
  4. Matahari akan terbit dari tempat tenggelamnya. Maka pada saat itu Allah swt. tidak lagi menerima iman orang kafir dan tidak menerima taubat daripada orang yang berdosa.
  5. Turunnya Nabi Isa alaihissalam ke permukaan bumi ini. Beliau akan mendukung pemerintahan Imam Mahadi yang berdaulat pada masa itu dan beliau akan mematahkan segala salib yang dibuat oleb orang-orang Kristian dan beliau juga yang akan membunuh Dajjal.
  6. Keluarnya bangsa Ya’juj dan Ma’juj yang akan membuat kerusakan dipermukaan bumi ini, iaitu apabila mereka berjaya menghancurkan dinding yang dibuat dari besi bercampur tembaga yang telah didirikan oleh Zul Qarnain bersama dengan pembantu-pembantunya pada zaman dahulu.
  7. Gempa bumi di Timur.. Bisa jadi ini mengacu kepada gempa di China, Tsunami di Aceh.
  8. Gempa bumi di Barat. Bisa jadi ini akan terjadi di daerah Mexico, Argentina, Brazilia dan negara-negara Amerika Latin
  9. Gempa bumi di Semenanjung Arab.. Kemungkinan kasus longsor di Mesir sebagai pembukanya.
  10. Api besar yang akan menghalau manusia menuju ke Padang Mahsyar. Api itu akan bermula dari arah negeri Yaman. (Apa ini bahaya Nuklir?)
Mengikut pendapat Imam Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalani di dalam kitab Fathul Bari beliau mengatakan: “Apa yang dapat dirajihkan (pendapat yang terpilih) dari himpunan hadis-hadis Rasulullah Saw. bahawa keluarnya Dajal adalah yang mendahului segala petanda-petanda besar yang mengakibatkan perubahan besar yang berlaku dipermukaan bumi ini. Keadaan itu akan disudahi dengan kematian Nabi Isa alaihissalam (setelah belian turun dari langit). Kemudian terbitnya matahari dari tempat tenggelamnya adalah permulaan tanda-tanda qiamat yang besar yang akan merusakkan sistem alam cakrawala yang mana kejadian ini akan disudahi dengan terjadinya peristiwa qiamat yang dahsyat itu. Barangkali keluarnya binatang yang disebutkan itu adalah terjadi di hari yang matahari pada waktu itu terbit dari tempat tenggelamnya”.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Gheebah (Gossip, Backbiting) No DON'T

Narrated Abu Huraira:  Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should talk what is good or keep quiet, and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not hurt (or insult) his neighbor..."  Sahih Bukhari: Volume 8, Book 76, Number 482.

Backbiting and Gossiping are from the most vilest and despicable of things, yet the most widely spread amongst mankind, such that no one is free from it except for a few people."

Backbiting (gheebah) means mentioning something about a person (in his absence), that he hates (to have mentioned), whether it is about: His body, his religious characteristics, his worldly affairs, his self, his physical appearance, his character, his wealth, his child, his father, his wife, his manner of walking, his smile, it is the same whether you mention that about him with words, through writings, or whether you point or indicate him by gesturing with your eyes, hand or head.

As for the body, is when you make fun of how someone looks, or mentioning any bad quality in him, as saying: "he is blind", "he limps", "he is bleary-eyed", "he is bald", "he is short", "he is tall", "he is black", "he is yellow", "he's too thin", "he's too fat". As for his religious qualities, it is when you say: "he is a sinner", "he is a thief", "he is a betrayer", "he is an oppressor", "he doesn't pray", "he prays so fast", "he does not behave well towards his parents", "he does not pay the Zakat duly"." As for the worldly matters, then it is when you say: "he has poor manners", "he does not think that anyone has a right over him", "he talks too much" …etc

Ladies just loves Gossiping! If its good then Alhamdulillah but if its bad??

Ohh come on ladies, please, why isnt important for you to do something that could harm other people feelings. Think rationally, i dont like bother about people life, and there's a way for you to help your friends in order for them too changed. We live in this world too help each other in a good way, we should always remember that, we are not the right person too judge other human being, its in the hand of Allah swt. Maybe, they are wrong and lost, so you know what??? help them! talk to them, advise and educate, but dont ever you do something that at last cause you too lose your good deeds, and at the ends all the good deeds of you, falls into the hand of the one that you've been talking and gossiping behind. 

Well friends, it happen a lot right?? Am i right?? i did this too, but i guess since ive already know, i should aware in being a judgmental person. I'm not a perfect person, but i'm trying too be a better person for my life and akhirat. Please take this serious, because of this a lot of woman falls their good deed into the hands of others. 

Words can make a deeper scar than silence can heal..

Silence is medication for sorrow

Why me? all i need to do is back off, and stay calm, patient and silence. If that gonna make them happy, i'm lost.... Dear Allah swt, please help me to go through all the challenges that u gave it too me. 

Bang! ! ! there it is again, im down on my knees, with my head in my hands,
I stumble to my feet weaker then before, my head hurting, ears ringing and my spine killing.
I can see the light in the darkness that surrounds my life knowing that I will never reach it in time
my body is so weak and heavy, I find it hard to breath some times, the pain it hurts so much I think im dieing, my head is so full of noise it going to explode.
I feel so alone in this world of mine, walking around like his, if only I didn’t build so many walls but some people build them to keep people out, and some to see who cares enough to try and knock then down…
it coming…I can feel it, it start in my neck then down my spine…then Bang it shoots back up into my head then whack, im down on my knees shouting…why me…please?
the stars in my eyes blind me and the noise in my head deafens my senses, I cant breath this is the end…..?
slowly I come around, I crawl toward the light, trembling like a leaf in the wind.
I cant describe this feeling inside, lost and confused, alone and unique, just to try and name a few.
I feel sick, oh so sick why me! ! !
what remains of my heart sinks even deeper into stomach, making me sick.
Iv got to get up and keep moving, if not or me then for my little angles…iv got to find the strength! ! !
my hearts is beating faster then the time before, as I try to stand up I collapse…im so weak…
I finely find my feet thou still wobbly I carry on, iv got to keep fighting…iv got to be a survivor not a failure.
I wouldn’t wish this feeling the worst person in this wicked world we all share.
I know it wont belong till it comes back around, so iv got to keep moving to make up some ground.
Cold and alone, with no confert in site.
so this is my life, and this is were im shore im destend to stay hoping to reach that distent light some day.
this is just one grain of sand on a beach, called my life…this is me….this is my life… 

Ice Breaking Session - 16th March 2011

Hello! First post for a start in JOURNEY_SPLINTERZQIEN

Salam, too all muslims friend, and Hello! peeps, i've decided to have my own blog today. WHY I START BLOGING?

This is fun, exciting and interesting, i want too start a new phase of life, by forgetting all the madness in life. Perhaps, blogging can be my best friend off all, whenever im alone. Here is where im gonna share my thoughts my dream and stories in life. i ain't a perfect person, but after all i got dreams, vision and mission in my life. Well, well, well, let me see, what's up for a start?. 

Knowing Nurul Asyikin Bte Ishak *&;^#@#!)!@!)

Hahahaha, for a start or shall i said, as an ice breaking session for my first post, i wanna talk and share some stories about me!. Yups, that's my real name, daughter too Ishak and nadzirah. I was born in the small city called klang, situated in Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. I'm proud too be Malaysian, a peaceful country with multiracial citizen and variety of food. U name it!! roti canai, nasi lemak, yong tau fu, everything is here. Malay, Chinese and India three difference races work together too be one of the best asia country in the world.  Enuff, wat am i talking about now? oh my oh my it supposed too be about me, i'll touch and share more about my country but not now, later in the future post. Now let's read about a girl name Syikin.. :)
Newborn baby name Syikin was born in 16th february 1985
Once upon the time, there's a baby girl name Syikin was born in Clinic Salina and its officially dated as 16th February 1985. Her parents was really happy and excited for their first newborn daughter. They name her, Nurul Asyikin Bte Ishak, they name her nurul or nur, based in Al-Quran which means "Nur Cahaya". I did grew up with a cahaya in my life but not every time, hehe cause its in the hand of Allah swt will. As she grew bigger, taller and stronger, her parents are ready too had a baby boy. After 5 years having Syikin as the only child, they got Azam as her lil bro!. 

Syikin first steps too kindergarden was awesome!. Then primary school, Methodist Girl School (MGS), where her first steps too a REAL school with an ambition in life. 1 Cempaka is her class, her ibu and ayah wait for her in her first day of school!.At the age of 7 she likes drawing,  everyday she would draw difference kinds of human picture or flowers. She loves coloring too! to the extend, every month her luna color pencil needs to be changed. How time flies, she continued her secondary, in MGS still. After PMR, she moved too Teknik Shah Alam, taking Mechanical engineering course, which she dont want and like! but have been forced by her dad. But then she managed to pursued her studies in Masscommunication after SPM. Alhamdulillah, she got her Diploma and Degree in major in Public relation, by the age of 24. 

2011 she is 26 years old, no longer a small girl or teenager but a lady. With hope of being a better person in life, career and akhirat.... She believes that everything happens for a reason, nobody can stop you from being good or bad, you draw and paint your life on your own. As long as you use Islam as your guide in life insyallah, how bad u are, Allah swt always help and open your heart to the right way.

A lady with dreams and hope.

to be continue..

This is a shorten life of me, today is the most sadness day of mylife. People who i care and love, said something that is quite harsh too me. Its okie im gonna be just fine, because i believed that Allah swt knows better, and not you them too judge me. I don't mind, if they would have come and talk too me straight too the face, rather than talking behind me and insult me through social network. I knew , that i'm not perfect and i did so many sinful things, but then again if you care and love a person, always come to them and told them straight away in the face. Dont ever talk behind and assume something that is not true. 

"Hanya Allah swt, yang maha mengetahui akan isi hatiku ini, apa maksudku untuk berbuat demikian, sesungguhnya bukanlah kerana riak ataupun takabur, ianya adalah sebagai peringatan pada diriku yang hina lagi berdosa ini, agar berubah segera, dan tujuan ku meletakkan di social network adalah untuk berkongsi maklumat dengan sahabat-sahabatku, bukanlah atas niat menunjuk-nunjuk. Sesungguhnya, aku hanyalah insan biasa yang banyak melakukan dosa dan kesilapan, tetapi aku masih ingat bahawasanya dari Allah aku datang, kembalilah aku kepadanya. Aku mendoakan kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan umat Islam. Aku hanya akan mengundur diri, untuk mencari arah yang benar, dan semoga aku diberi petunjuk dari Allah swt.  Amin."